
» Customer Testimonials

HP ServiceNow Migration

"Software Tool House Inc. has developed Meta-Update software enabling organisations to apply bulk data changes to Remedy BMC customer data without the redevelopment or customisation of Remedy source code.

Statement of Work preamble, Spark NZT

Spark exported customer companys' HP data to spreadsheets where references to support groups and standard services were added.

Software Tool House created Meta-Update scripts to process these sheets and build all Foundation, People, CIs — with relationships to services, people, support groups.

Ron Lob takes on scripts, builds Console

"We built a console to launch, track, and report Meta-Update jobs. and developed generic data change scripts, extended the onboarding scripts,

"We now run 2,000 jobs through the console and the system works flawlessly."

"All through zero compiled code, or remedy workflow. So the value and power of the platform is certainly there. "

» Ronald Lob, DevOps Engineer, Spark NTZ, 2018-Jun-15

Meta-Update Job Console

The Meta-Update Job Console is a Remedy application that lets up set up users and canned jobs that can be processed bey a Queue server.

Hear Ron Lob (21s)

Our Asset team runs 5 jobs a day through the Meta-Update Console — saving us an immense amount of time bulk loading and updating data in Remedy.

All through zero compiled code, or Remedy workflow.   

.. amazing!
.. value from the get go!

Customer's Console
Meta-Update Console

Meta-Update jobs to change data and onboard customers.

More Information

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