
Table Backup / Extract — Meta-Updated Jobs Templates


Meta-Update Script

.. amazing
.. value from the get go

Back-up a set of tables - like HPD:% Tables are based on an arschema Query. Creates CSV files and (by default) attachment files.

Very handy for understanding how an app's actions affects underlying data.

Ability to restore data to what it was before a risky operation.

Run it each time you perform an action. Use Excel spot the differences between actions.


Meta-Update Console

Meta-Update Console



Back-up a set of tables - like HPD:%

Back up a set of tables based on an arschema Query.
Creates CSV files and (by default) attachment files.

More Info

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Select tables using an SQL query on arschema.

Example: all normal and join forms of Help Desk:
    -name "schematype in (1,2) and name like 'HPD:%'"

Check out default arguments: -att (1) and -Fout ("") for attachment and output path handling.