
» Meta-Update for ServiceNow

Meta-Update for ServiceNow New

Meta-Update opens connections to both ServiceNow and BMC Remedy.

Meta-Update works as expected except for functions that only BMC offers — such as direct SQL.

A Tag can be a Remedy or ServiceNow record and is loaded by a query on a table or form. Of course query qualifications are different.

Meta-Update Job Console App New

The Job Console is an optional Remedy only app that runs Meta-Update scripts. Scripts make connections to many servers, both Remedy and ServiceNow.

The Remedy app queues jobs and a Queue server queries the queue, and runs scripts in slots.

For ServiceNow, you can use all the functionality of Meta-Update without the app.

We are currently porting the app itself to ServiceNow, but you can continue to use all the functionality of Meta-Update without the app.

ServiceNow "Schemas" are ServiceNow tables; ServiceNow "fields" are those defined in the dictionary.

--> ServiceNow Query syntax is defined by the ServiceNow REST API.

Some features of Meta-Update will not work for ServiceNow sessions.

  • Setting or Reading a form's Audit and Archive properties
  • QuerySql= either as an iteration statement or in a LookUp
  • @exec — you cannot run server processes; client processes unaffected

Meta-Update introduces a few new statements for ServiceNow

  • "Delete Record" is available equivalent to @exec Application-Delete-Entry
  • "AttachLoad" is available to load an attachment from a file or a Remedy reference
  • Some new automatic variables are set

Success Stories

We have enhanced Meta-Archive for HTML to update some root data fields and generated URLs to a searchable ServiceNow.

Scripts against a licensed ServiceNow instance may be developed as needed. These scripts may read source data directly from Remedy, from files, or the ServiceNow Instance, and write data to Remedy, ServiceNow, or files.

Data migrations

Meta-Update Job Types Use Meta-Update to automate migrations between ServiceNow and BMC ITSM.


Meta-Archive building HTML pages from BMC Data and searching for that data in ServiceNow.