
Meta-Update: Included Jobs

ServiceNow Jobs

.. amazing
.. value from the get go


Included ServiceNow Jobs

Meta-Update will make working with ServiceNow easier, quicker, more sure.

You'll be able to easily import data without manual editing into the required ServiceNow formats.

A Meta-Archive Job creates drill down HTML data and places the URLs and selected data into a ServiceNow form.


Meta-Update Console

Meta-Update Console


Safe Mass Delete

Delete Job

Greatly speeds up mass deletions.

Use -cmd list to produce a file of rows to be deleted and -cmd del to effect the deletes.

DB Table Hierarchy Spreadsheet

DB Tables Hierarchy Lists the hierarchy of tables in ServiceNow
Eg:   cmdb →  cmdb_ci →   ci_server →   ci_email_server        

Meta-Archive and ServiceNow

HTML + CSV + ServiceNow Creates HTML and CSV files and adds URLs and select fields to a ServiceNow form.

User Experience