
Meta-Update: Included Jobs

Service Request Jobs

.. amazing
.. value from the get go


Included Service Request Definitions Jobs

Meta-Update will make working with Service Request Definiftions easier, quicker, more sure.

You'll be able to easily identify mappings, adjust Process variables without losing work, document complex Question Chains and Process logic.

Serveral different Jobs are available for the Service Request developer or administrator.


Meta-Update Console

Meta-Update Console


SRD Discovery, Documents, Reports

SRD Report Creates a text report on some or all SRDs. Can adjust the level of depth. Includes PDT info.
SRD Extract Creates a set of CSVs with the data in selected SRDs.

Add PDT Variable to SRD maps

Add PDT variable to SRD Q & A Maps Adds a new PDT variable to an SRD to be mapped without affecting current maps saving an immense amount of time.

More Info

If you want a quick telephone call, a presentation, or have a problem you'd like solved, simply Contact us by phone or email.