
Meta-Update: Included Jobs

Service Request Jobs

.. amazing
.. value from the get go


Atrium Integrator Jobs and Transforms spreadsheets

Meta-Update will make working with AI Jobs and Transforms easier, quicker, surer.

Filter on steps, fields, maps, conditions, branches, exits, Job and Transform dependencies.

Easily adapt the sheet into your documentation.

Two jobs create two CSV files — Jobs and Transforms.


Meta-Update Console

Meta-Update Console


AI / Spoon Jobs

AI Jobs spreadsheet Creates a CSV of AI / Spoon Jobs. Data allows easy filtering on fields, forms, more.
Sample output AI Jobs and Transforms sheet AI Jobs sheet

AI / Spoon Transforms

AI Transforms spreadsheet Creates a CSV on some or all AI / Spoon Transforms allowing easy filtering on fields, forms, maps, more.
The sample image to the
left shows both jobs.

More Info

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