
Meta-Update: Included Jobs

Meta-Archive Jobs

.. amazing
.. value from the get go


Included Meta-Archive Jobs

Meta-Archive will reduce database size, offers restores, handles any release or any app, and handles the CMDB.

Different Jobs are simply different Meta-Archive configurations.


Meta-Update Console
  Meta-Update Console

Meta-Archive Jobs


Included Meta-Archive Jobs

The Delete job must be run after some configurations or if deletions are turned off.

Each Meta-Archive job makes a delete log of records that were successfully archived and were deleted or need to be deleted.

The Delete Job uses a Delete log.


HTML, CSV, ServiceNow

HTML + CSV Creates HTML and CSV files on the Queue server.
HTML + CSV + ServiceNow As above plus adds URLs and select fields to a ServiceNow form.

User Experience

Different Archive Server

Other Archive Server Writes to a separate server

Meta-Archive Targets

Archive Forms

Archive forms Writes to a separate server

Generate Archive forms
This will generate all needed Archive forms.

Run this once or if you've added new forms to the Archive configs.

Warning:    This job affects server memory
This job does not reduce database size

Delete Job

Delete Job A Delete job is used with a previous Archive's delete log.

Deletes may be set to automatic.


On a first run of Meta-Archive there may be millions of records to archive.

Run automation is a separate script that fires Meta-Update jobs in batches with sync points.

This is not used in the Job Console as it, itself, runs jobs in slots.

Run automation is covered in its own and Meta-Archive documents.

Samples job breakouts are included.